Monday, December 6, 2010

Natural treatments

Detoxification is the first step to eliminate harmful toxins from the body. Then a variety of natural treatments are recommended to regulate the hormonal imbalance and stimulate the sex glands to promote normal functioning. Acupuncture and herbs are the best combined treatment for this condition (PCOS) and one can overcome this problem within a few short months, with ovaries returning back to normal size and function and hormonal balance and normal cycles restored.
Detoxification takes place through the digestive, urinary, immune, lymphatic, and circulatory and respiratory systems as well as the skin. Through the use of antioxidants, vitamin and mineral rich fruit and vegetables or supplements and cleansing and stimulating herbs you can detoxify your bodily systems slowly over the course of a 10 days. You must seek the advice of your GP or naturopath before beginning a detoxification program and introduce the herbs or make dietary changes slowly.
Detoxification is important to remove toxic substances from the body and these herbs are effective
Calendula, kelp, ginkgo biloba, juniper, echinacea, sarsaparilla, St Johns wort, marjoram, cleavers, ginger, garlic, cayenne, dandelion root, false unicorn root, golden seal, fenugreek, ginseng, rose hips, red raspberry leaf, red clover, hops, peppermint, comfrey, lemon balm, parsley, turmeric, alfalfa, lemon grass, black cohosh, blue cohosh, valerian, barberry, bilberry, bayberry, nasturtium and salvia.

Vitamins, minerals and foods for detoxification are - Vitamin A, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, calcium, zinc, iron, chromium, selenium, magnesium, manganese, garlic and onions, celery, legumes, citrus fruit, bananas, apples and pears, black tea and green tea, wheat germ, wholemeal and whole wheat products, soy products, brown rice, seeds and nuts, beans, peas, sprouts, lentils, free range eggs, deep sea fish, asparagus, brussel sprouts and cabbage, all vegetables and fresh vegetable juices, olive oil, flaxseed oil and linseed oil. Avoid all poultry, red meat and meat products for the first 4 days and reintroduce organically grown meat and poultry slowly starting from day 5.
Drinks - purified or spring water is essential for detoxification, you should drink between 2 and 3 litres per day, as well as vegetable juices and herbal teas including black tea and green tea. A glass of water first thing in the morning with the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon will do wonders.

A hot sitz bath (bath up to the hip/abdomen level) with 500gms of Epsom salts added will also help to eliminate toxins from the skin. Essential oils can be added to the bath water for added effect - geranium, calendula, cleavers, peppermint, ginger, hay flower, horsetail, mustard seed, thyme, camomile, lavender, sweet violet, nettle, bittersweet, eucalyptus or sandalwood. Sitz baths (with or without Epsom salts) have shown to be very effective at stimulating the ovaries, promoting circulation and digestion, lymphatic function and improve general wellbeing.

The bath should remain hot - you may need to top up the bath with hot water at intervals and take a 20 - 30 min sitz bath at least 3 times per week.

Avoid all drugs, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, refined carbohydrates and sugars, pre-packaged, deep fried food, highly processed foods, salt (sea or herb salt is preferred), saturated fats, chemicals and additives.

High testosterone levels can be lowered with the use of the herb Chaste tree.
Caution - you must not use chaste tree if LH levels are also high.

Luteinizing Hormone

High LH levels can be lowered with the use of these herbs - Black Cohosh, Bugleweed and Hops.


These herbs can be helpful in raising progesterone levels - Wild yam, sarsaparilla, true unicorn root, blue cohosh, fenugreek, beth root, yucca and mistletoe. Natural progesterone creams have also proven very successful in treating estrogen dominance.

To balance the hormones Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin E, zinc, magnesium, chromium, vanadium, and herbs - false unicorn root, dong quai, black cohosh, liquorice and peony

Herbs to help with cysts are Thuja, poke root, red clover, violet leaves and blue flag.

Food for healthy ovaries alfalfa, all sprouted seeds/beans, soy products, tofu, tempeh, linseed, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, millet, cucumber, wheat germ, and herbs - aniseed, parsley, sage, hops, red clover, black cohosh, kelp, fennel, liquorice, dong quai, St Johns wort, wild yam, peony, and ladies mantle.

Sitz baths (with or without Epsom salts) have shown to be very effective at stimulating the ovaries, promoting circulation and digestion, lymphatic function and improve general wellbeing. The bath should remain hot - you may need to top up the bath with hot water at intervals and take a 20 - 30 min sitz bath at least 3 times per week. Essential oils can be added to the bath water for added effect - geranium, calendula, peppermint, ginger, hay flower, thyme, camomile, lavender, sweet violet, eucalyptus or sandalwood. You can use herbal tea bags or a few drops of pure essential oil.

Gymnema sylvestre (Gymnema)

Gymnema is a traditional Ayurvedic herb used as an antidiabetic, hypoglycemic, lipid lowering agent and to support weight reduction. Gymnema possibly has a trophorestorative action of the beta cells of the pancreas. (13) The plant part used as medicine is the leaf. Gymnema is well indicated for PCOS, due to its insulin modulating activity and the added benefits of reducing the elevated triglycerides associated with PCOS. Key constituents of Gymnema include saponins, especially the gymnemic acids. Gymnemic acid suppresses the sweet taste on the taste buds, so if taken before food masks the sweet sensation. Gymnema has demonstrated hypoglycemic activity in experimental models of diabetes and regulated blood sugar in hyperglycemia. The mechanism of action also includes the inhibition of glucose absorption in the intestine. The daily dose of Gymnema is 3.5 to 11 mL of 1:1 liquid extract. (9,14) Since conventional medical models are focussing on pharmaceutical agents such as metformin to control PCOS, Gymnema may prove to be one of the most significant herbs in the treatment of the underlying factor of insulin resistance.
Women with PCOS are urged to lose 5 to 10% body weight using a moderate protein, low refined carbohydrate diet. When this approach was taken in one clinical trial, 10 of the 11 subjects resumed a normal cycle within 10.5 months. (2) In a similar study, such weight loss restored ovulation in 60 out of 67 previously anovulatory women. (3) The dietary profile should include approximately 30% good quality fats, 40% protein and 30% complex carbohydrates. (1,2,19) Literature suggests establishing an energy efficient diet of 1000 to 1500 kcal per day. It is recommended to avoid alcohol, caffeine, smoking and psychosocial stressors. Gymnema is helpful in reducing carbohydrate and sugar cravings, and therefore improving compliance with dietary changes. (9)

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