Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Hectic day and the chinese formula reviled

I feel like if I am off balance today .Because of the sonogram and the pelvic ultrasound.Had to drive out to Thornhill for it .

She was suppose to brew it for me but when I reached she apologized and stated I could come back the next day .Sigh ..I just came from Thornhill ,to come here and then I still have to drive back to West Hill.I told her fine I'll do it at home!
OMG ...just read the sheet it is alot of work more then just boiling it .
I'll scan the directions down ,so it gives an idea of what goes into brewing up this concoction!!

But here is the herbs that it has in it :

Morinda root
Morinda is an excellent Yang Jing tonic. It is considered to be highly nutritious and is used in superior tonic formulas for strengthening the body. It is widely used in primal essence formulations, often as the main ingredient.

Morinda is often used to increase marital strength in men and women. It is used for impotence, premature ejaculation, soreness of the lower back and knees, and infertility. It is used by women for infertility and frigidity.
Morinda is widely believed in China to increase mental power. It is also considered to be beneficial to the heart. And like many other Yang tonic herbs, it has been shown to be effective in lowering high blood pressure. It is one of the finest Yang Jing tonics since it is not only powerful but extremely well tolerated by almost every one. It is considered a major longevity herb and is a regular ingredient in formulations.

Chinese Thorowax Root(Chai Hu )

* Clears shao yang disorders and reduces fever - alternating chills and fever, bitter taste in the mouth, irritability, vomiting, stifling sensation in the chest.
* Relieves liver qi stagnation (often used with Bai Shao) - vertigo, menstrual disorders, chest and flank pain, the most common herb to treat stress, irritability, depression, etc.; also for liver and spleen disharmony - bloating, nausea, indigestion, flank pain.
* Raises yang qi in spleen and stomach deficiency patterns (often used with Sheng Ma) - prolapsed organ, diarrhea, hemorrhoids.

szechwan lovage rhizome(Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort)

is an important ingredient for gynecological disorders. It can be prescribed with red peony root and peach kernel to relieve missed periods and menstrual pain that due to blood stasis. When individuals also have limb coldness and clear vaginal discharge, then cinnamon and angelica root are added in the prescription to eliminate the cold pathogens. Stagnation of liver qi is a usual cause of menstrual disorders, Sichuan lovage rhizome can be prescribed with bupleurum root, white peony root and nutgrass rhizome for the treatment.

Chinese Date

Chinese date is the mature fruit of the deciduous spiny tree Ziziphus jujuba Mill., of the family Rhamnaceae. Native to China, where they have been cultivated for more than 4,000 years and where there are over 400 cultivars. The plants traveled beyond Asia centuries ago. Chinese date seedlings, inferior to the Chinese cultivars, were introduced into Europe at the beginning of the Christian era and carried to the U. S. in 1837. It wasn't until 1908 that improved Chinese selections were introduced by the USDA. Today, Chinese dates are grown to some extent in Russia, northern Africa, southern Europe, the Middle East and the southwestern United States.
(lol I have some of this in our kitchen)
Strengthens the middle-jiao, invigorates qi, nourishes blood, tranquizes the mind and buffers other herbs.

Chinese date is both a delicious fruit and an effective herbal remedy. It aids weight gain, improves muscular strength and increases stamina. In Chinese medicine it is prescribed as a tonic to strengthen liver function.

Chinese Angelica( Other common names: Women's Herb, Tang-kuei, Dang Gui, Dong Quai )
known as the female ginseng
natural way to support a woman's health and reproductive system. It is thought to relieve the discomforts of menopause (hot flashes and vaginal dryness) and premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and it has been used to regulate monthly cycles in women after giving birth or when ending the use of birth control pills. As a blood purifier, Chinese Angelica helps to promote better blood circulation throughout the body and to the brain, and improved circulation may relieve tinnitus, blurred vision, palpitations and migraine headaches.

rehmannia root(Sheng di huang (raw)

n the thick black roots of rehmannia, TCM doctors see a strong reservoir of nutrients beneficial to the kidneys and blood, and capable of removing heat and inflammation. The cooked form of rehmannia is sweet in taste and warm in action, while the raw form is sweet and bitter in taste, and cold in action. The raw form, being cold in action, is used more frequently to remove inflammation. Conversely, when you cure the root by cooking it with wine it becomes more nourishing and warm in action (Kubo et al., 1996).

Both forms are used in the treatment of deficiency diseases where the presence of heat (look for a red tongue) causes symptoms such as fever, menopausal hot flashes, and thirst. Rehmannia can be used when there is a need to generate fluids—especially with the weakness that results from prolonged low-grade fevers--and with hormonal related deficiencies of fluid as found in Sjorgren's syndroms and dry eyes.

Rehmannia root is very thick and gummy, so it can impair digestion, which explains the contraindications listed above. It is one of the base herbs included in the highly valued Six-flavored rehmannia pill (liu wei di huang wan), also called rehmannia six formula, used as a primary treatment for Yin deficiency.

blighted wheat(Fu Xiao Mai)

I have no clue :):)

prepared liquorish root
icorice root has an impressive list of well documented uses and is probably one of the most over-looked of all herbal remedies. It is used for many ailments including asthma, athlete's foot, baldness, body odour, bursitis, canker sores, chronic fatigue, depression, colds and flu, coughs, dandruff, emphysema, gingivitis and tooth decay, gout, heartburn, HIV, viral infections, fungal infections, ulcers, liver problems, Lyme disease, menopause, psoriasis, shingles, sore throat, tendinitis, tuberculosis, ulcers, yeast infections, prostate enlargement and arthritis.

Licorice root contains many anti-depressant compounds and is an excellent alternative to St. John's Wort. As a herbal medicine it has an impressive list of well documented uses and is probably one of the most over-looked of all herbal wonders. Licorice is useful for many ailments including asthma, athlete's foot, baldness, body odor, bursitis, canker sores, chronic fatigue, depression, colds and flu, coughs, dandruff, emphysema, gingivitis and tooth decay, gout, heartburn, HIV, viral infections, fungal infections, ulcers, liver problems, Lyme disease, menopause, psoriasis, shingles, sore throat, tendinitis, tuberculosis, ulcers, yeast infections, prostate enlargement and arthritis.

Hundreds of potentially healing substances have been identified in licorice as well, including compounds called flavonoids and various plant estrogens (phytoestrogens). The herb's key therapeutic compound, glycyrrhizin (which is 50 times sweeter than sugar) exerts numerous beneficial effects on the body, making licorice a valuable herb for treating a host of ailments. It seems to prevent the breakdown of adrenal hormones such as cortisol (the body's primary stress-fighting adrenal hormone), making these hormones more available to the body.

It has a well-documented reputation for healing ulcers. It can lower stomach acid levels, relieve heartburn and indigestion and acts as a mild laxative.

It can also be used for irritation, inflammation and spasm in the digestive tract. Through its beneficial action on the liver, it increases bile flow and lowers cholesterol levels.

Licorice also appears to enhance immunity by boosting levels of interferon, a key immune system chemical that fights off attacking viruses. It also contains powerful antioxidants as well as certain phytoestrogens that can perform some of the functions of the body's natural estrogens; very helpful during the menopause. Glycyrrhizinic acid also seems to stop the growth of many bacteria and of viruses such as influenza A.
Treat PMS and menstrual problems. The phytoestrogens in licorice have a mild estrogenic effect, making the herb potentially useful in easing certain symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome), such as irritability, bloating and breast tenderness. Although the glycyrrhizin in licorice actually inhibits the effect of the body's own estrogens, the mild estrogenic effect produced by licorice's phytoestrogens manages to override this inhibiting action.
Their is more but for this blog's purpose I decided to end it her.

barbary wolfberry fruit(goji berry)

solomon seal rhizome(processes with wine)Yu Zhu
* Nourishes Lung and Stomach Yin, Moistens Dryness
Treats dry cough, dry throat, irritability, and thirst. Also for cough with scanty, sticky sputum or chronic respiratory disorders with a consumptive cough. Treats wasting and thirsting disorder with intense hunger and constipation. Treats symptoms of Stomach Yin Deficiency including hunger but no desire to eat, dull epigastric pain, stomach discomfort, dry mouth and dry tongue.
* Extinguishes Wind, Softens and Moistens the Sinews
For Pain and spasms in the sinews due to wind generated by deficient Fluids. For dizziness due to internal wind.

hemp seed
Hemp has 3 unique nutritional factors. It has an ideal balance of Omega 3 and 6 for sustainable human health, it has a full amino acid spectrum meaning it provides complete protein, and it has a massive trace mineral content - truly one of nature's superfoods.

yerbadetaji herb
sorry once again0no clue

tree peony bark
peony fav:)
Women's Health

Both white and red peony are commonly used for various women's health problems in TCM. There is evidence from preliminary clinical trials supporting their use in dysmenorrhea and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The TCM formula toki-shakuyaku-san -- containing white peony, Atractylodes lancea (red atractylodes) rhizome, Alisma plantago-aquatica (alisma; water plantain) rhizome, Poria cocos (hoelen) sclerotium, Cnidium monnieri (cnidium) rhizome, and Angelica dahurica (Chinese angelica) radix -- has been reported to alleviate pain in patients with primary dysmenorrhea in one double-blind clinical trial. (26) Shakuyaku-kanzo-to reduced dysmenorrhea in 60 percent of women with uterine fibroids in an open trial. (27) Shakuyaku-kanzo-to helped increase fertility in women with PCOS in another open clinical trial. (28) More research is warranted to clarify the exact role and degree of efficacy of white peony by itself and in combination formulae for these and other women's health concerns, particularly luteal dysfunction and menopausal symptoms. (29)

glossy privet fruit

o treat Yin deficiency of the liver and kidney with symptoms of aching and weakness of the waist and knees, dizziness, tinnitus, premature graying hair, and weak or blurred vision, the herb is often used in combination with chrysanthemum flower, wolfberry fruit, eclipta, dodder seed and other herbs for nourishing the kidney and liver, tonifying Yin and improving visIon.

2. To treat fever due to Yin deficiency, night sweat and spermatorrhea, the herb can be used in combination with dried rehmannia root, dogwood fruit, anemarrhena rhizome, scrophularia root, wolfberry bark and other herbs for tonifying Yin and clearing heat of deficiency type

desert living cistanch


asiatic cornelian cherry fruit(Shan Zhu Yu )

# Stabilize the kidneys, retain the essence - leaking of fluids due to weak essence, excessive urination, incontinence, spermatorrhea, excessive sweating, for devastated yang and collapsed qi, as in shock.
# Tonify the liver and kidney - light headedness, dizziness, impotence, sore back and knees, tonifies the jing and assists the yang.
# Stabilize menses - excessive uterine bleeding, prolonged menses, weak effect

nutgrass galingale rhizome

epimedium herb
* Tonify kidney yang - impotence, spermatorrhea, frequent urination, poor memory, painful and cold lower back and knees.
* Expel wind-damp, cold - spasms, cramps, joint pain, numbness in limbs.
* Strengthen yin and yang, harnesses liver yang rising - dizziness, low back pain, irregular menses from liver and kidneys and subsequent liver yang rising.

Chinese Rose Flower
To promote blood circulation and regulate menstruation.

Common Anemarrhena rhizome
to promote the production of body fluid and relieve dryness syndromes.
Febrile diseases with high fever and dire thirst; heat in the lung with dry cough; consumptive fever; diabetes due to internal heat; constipation.

Okay I am tired after that ...I am gone to brew the mixture and later when I have
some energy :) I will write how to brew up this concoction .

on second thought I'll just scan it :):)
It's at the top of today's rant if you did not notice ,as yet :)

**************************NOTHING TO DO WITH TCM*********************
*but worth mentioning*


* Chlorophyll: reduces symptoms of hypoglycaemia without raising blood glucose level
* B vitamins, magnesium, alpha lipoeic acid and conjugated linoleic acid: improve insulin resistance
* N-acetylcysteine (NAC) - Regulates blood sugar and is a strong anti oxidant
* Saw Plamento - blocks the production of DHT (dihydrtestosterone)
* Bitter Melon and fenugreek - Regulate blood glucose

After a couple months of treatment you should begin to notice signs of ovulation like increased mid-month vaginal discharge and elevated Basal Body Temperature (BBT). You may notice, if you have very long cycles, that ovulation comes earlier in the cycle indicating healthier egg production. As well your skin should clear up and your excess hair should diminish.

In general, lifestyle changes which include weight loss. insulin control and TCM treatment with herbs and acupuncture have proven to be very effective in the treatment of PCOS

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