Monday, February 28, 2011

Sweet potato ,leek,ginger soup

Sweet potato and ginger soup
Serves 3 portions


extra virgin olive oil

1 fresh garlic clove

1 large sweet potato, nicely peeled, washed and cut into medium sized squares

1 large leek chopped

1 inch of fresh ginger peeled and chopped

2 cups of mushroom stock

½ a cup of coconut milk

salt and pepper to taste

soya cream for topping


Fry the chopped leeks, sweet potato and ginger in a non-stick casserole, mixing often for a few minutes.

Next, add the chopped garlic and continue to mix for a minute or so. Now add the mushroom stock and simmer for 30 minutes on a medium/low heat.

Finally, add the coconut milk. Make sure that your veges are soft, add the salt and pepper, allow to cool for some minutes and then with an electric food blender, blend until smooth and creamy.

Serve, and with the back of a teaspoon, add some soya cream to delight the eye. Bon Apetit !

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